by John McCall

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A Fictional Rhyming Dictionary...    (Home)


-O (with a sound like "Joe") see -O, -OE, and -OW
(You will usually find the sound you want under the usual spelling.)

An "OO" can sometimes sound like "U." You may want to check the U's, too.  Once in a while, you'll find "OO's" and "U's" together as in "OOT."

-O, -OE and -OW (long sound)
'PICTURESQUE PASTORAL:' Farmer Joe would hoe and mow - though not when the wind would blow.

No dynamo, what Joe did sow ... would grow too slow. (So even his crow ceased to show.)

A contented schmo, he seldom felt low.

Oh, no. Like a British lord, he could owe dough - and still sit and glow, as in a tableau by Watteau.

'FOOTHOLD:' If that roach gets to poach, he will soon broach our coach.

-OAD see -ODE

As an oaf, I can loaf.

-OAM and -OME
'LIBRARY SEARCH:' Gnomes roamed over sea foam, then combed the land's loam.

Why? To find a domed home for their tomes.

-OAN, -ONE and -OWN
'BLOOD MONEY:' The interest-free loan is only a bone thrown to those in a zone, prone to groan. The cash was funnelled through an innocent chrone, who droned in a well-honed telephone tone.

-OARD see -ORD

-OAST and -OST (long sound)
'CONTRIBUTOR HONORED:' When I serve a roast, I toast the cow's ghost.

I'm a TV host, and my toast was heard coast-to-coast.  (Well, almost.)

She would bloat with a gloat, if she knew how I dote on her note. On my boat, I quote it by rote - till I get a sore throat.

'MARRIAGE:' When both take the oath, there's growth.

 She loathes all clothes.

-OAX (see also -OKE)
Don't coax -- it's a hoax.

'SUPERIOR JUDGMENT:' On the clipper, robbed of his fob, the young snob continued to sob.

Over his squab, he belabored the crew, who feasted on shriveled corncob.

"My poor fob?  I blame the job on every gob - what a mob!" (With whom he would never hobnob.)

Her prefrontal lobes would always probe - and her insights disrobe -  alibis ... all over the globe.

-OCK see -OK

'BLAME GAME:' I coach an odd-bod squad in the quad.

They smile and they nod, but they plod - even worse -- when I prod with my rod.

-ODE and OAD
 'ODE BY A TOAD:' The mode of an amphibian ode did unload a mythic code.

It glowed, and it showed the Way to each toad that strode on Life's  road.

(For the poet, the honors explode. His memory will not erode. In one  episode, that toad's stool is depicted on spode.)  

Dodge that stodge served at the lodge.

-OF see -OVE (short sound)

-OFF and -OUGH
 Once at the trough, Hog scoffs off his cough.

-OFT "Seen my croft's soft loft?" ... "Oft."

"What made you jog (through the fog) near the bog?"  "Eggnog or grog?"

"That hog dogged my frog."

'EVEN ON BBC:' The rogue's brogue is in vogue.

'WITHIN LIMITS:' Rejoice -- voice your choice. (No, not that Rolls Royce.)

'BAD HAIR DAY:' Yes, I'm boiled in oil despite loyal toil, but I'm really roiled because you have spoiled my forelock's coil. It's all soiled.

'BUTCHER': For a coin, I'd disjoin your sirloin.

Point out the joint you'd like to anoint.

You find poise in that noise?

Pirate's flag? Foist it, then hoist it.

'ONLY WATCHING:' For a seat at "Cock Rock," a classicist, Jock, hocked his clock.

Jock read that the show shocked a city block ... by the dock.

He saw, on the stage, a mock "peacock" (from a ready flock).

There's no smock or frock, it wore just one sock.

His headphones on Bach, thought Jock, "Will they still have my clock in stock?"

-OKE (see also -OAX)
 'FOUL PLAY:' At the fire, folks poked and stoked the blazing coke - for a joke.

The smoke was inhaled by a broke "old soak."  He was choked.

The old scold their fold: "Hold to our mold."

-OLE and -OAL
'NOT FOR THEIR HEALTH:' Ol' Mole and Droll Foal stroll over the troll's whole knoll.

Why? It's where they get coal - on the dole.

The banal doll lolls.

'HORSE OR RIDER?' "Yes, a real dolt! That colt would always jolt and  bolt."

-OM and -OMB
'INTROVERT:' He had more qualms over proms than bombs.

-OME see -OAM

Their romp swamped his pomp.

-ON (see also -AWN)
Are you "gone on" yon wan swan?

-OND and -ONDE
A blonde fond of bonds waves her frond like a wand.

'THE KING AND I:' Mr. Long:  "For the matinee throng, we need something sexy and strong."

Mr. Song: "Like King Kong, in a sarong?"

-ONK I honked, you conked.

-ONT see -AUNT (with an AWNT sound)

-OO see -UE

'TV OR RV?' For his boob tube, Rube paid for a lube.

Does your pooch mooch much hooch?

OOD ("OO" sound) see -UDE

-OOD (see also -UD)
"Will my new desk last?"
"Our good  wood should, if that hood's could."

Where's your proof of my goof - on the roof? 

-OOGE see -UGE

-OOK (see also -UK)
Look, schnook!  Some crook took your cookbook from our nook.

-OOL (see also -ULE)
That fool rules the school's cool pool.

-OOM (see also -UME)
'FAMILIES VALUED:' There's a groom for whom my daughter will bloom.

She says she'll make room for a baby boom.

-OON (see also -UNE)
If you croon and spoon by the moon till you swoon like a loon -- will noon be a boon?

-OOP and -OUPE
'TERRORIST'S BRIEFING:' You will dupe the group (a theatrical troupe) from that sloop.

You will make them stoop, swoop, and scoop. (If they droop or have  croup, they get soup.)

-OOR see -URE

'BLESSINGS OF PEACE:' The goose and the moose have made a truce.

They agree that YOU sluiced their juice - and won't be let loose.

-OOT (see also -UT)
'TRACKED:' I can tell from your soot where you put each foot.

-OOT (long sound)  (see also -UTE)
'HUNT STUNT:' That brute in a suit and boots!  He shoots rabbits en route - for a hoot.  (Meanwhile, somebody toots.)

Can the youth be a sleuth for Truth?  Not in that TV quiz booth.

-OOTH (soft ending)
Once soothed, his mood's smooth.

-OOVE see -OVE ("OO" sound)

'NO WIN GIN:' The cruise has a ruse to use bruised booze (at least, on those who doze -- those whose snooze is no news).

Passengers lose if they choose that ... ooze.

'VIOLENCE IN STORE:' Some crazy cop did bop Pop's chops.

In our top swap-shop.

I flop the slop-mop. It sopped up red drops.

 'ON THE ROCKS:' I must grope with the slope's vast scope. I don't mope -- but cope with my rope. ... Well, I hope.

-OR can sound like -AR. So you may want to check sounds beginning with AR, too, like, for example, -ARS.

Your torch might scorch the porch.

-ORD (see also -IRD)
The ward tied cords around her lord.

We would board the ford, but the hordes have swords.

-ORE and -OAR
On a their oath, all four swore that, once ashore, they tore  a store's floor with an oar.

At least, that's the lore of the Corp. That lore can make hearers soar (or roar with a snore).

Forge over the gorge. 

'BOTTLE FOR BABY:' It's the stork - let's fork roasted pork ... and uncork.

-ORM (see also -ARM)
Should you storm the warm norms of conformity's swarms?

-ORN and -OURN
 Critics scorn as "corn" what comes from my horn, with which I must mourn those born to be shorn and be torn by life's thorn. 

Is the source of your force always so coarse and hoarse?

 'COURTING DISASTER:' Down South, that lawyer resorts to each tort in court - just for the sport.

Go forth to the North.

-OSE (and OSS)
Doc's dose smells gross -- up close.

-OSE (long sound) see -OZE

When you wash my squash, please quash the slosh.

A mosque is not a kiosk.

 'AT MAXIM'S:' My boss lost some gloss - when, after a burger with sauce, he started to floss.

The frost cost - I lost.

-OST (long sound) see -OAST

'PLUMBING THE DEPTHS:' It's a hot movie plot about a big yacht. There's a tragic knot when a so-called "sot" rots on a cot alongside his tot.

This deep film got shot on the studio lot.

There, the pot (where the tot squats) produced a large spot. (Not a mere a dot one could blot.).

What? Not where celebrities trot!    

Watch for the notch on that bottle of Scotch -- there's a splotch.

-OTE see -OAT

"You're all froth and sloth," says the busy cloth-moth.

I crouched on my couch in a slouch and grouched: "Ouch."

-OUD (see also -OW)
Gas clouds now shroud the loud, once-proud crowd.

-OUGH see -UFF

'DANGEROUS IDEAS:' Those who were bought -- they fought all the thought brought in and taught. (What's taught makes folks taut.)

With feline bounce, she pounced and trounced that canine ounce of  flounce.

'POLICE DOG:' Our hound from the pound did bound from the ground. When? 

When he found, by scent and by sound, thieves hid 'round the mound. (In the Daily, his feat will resound.)

The old Count would mount the fount.

Scour our sour flour.

-OUS see -US

A soused spouse groused at a man in the house: "Douse that mouse, you louse."

One joust can oust.

'NO CONTEST:' The scout had no doubt about the bout -- although the losing lout pouts.

All his clout was in his stout shout. But now he's spaced out, and, as  for his nose (now a snout), it's a rout.

I've a drouth in my mouth for the South.

-OVE (short sound)
'FROM ABOVE:' Your glove just shoved a drop from a dove that I love, gov.

-OVE ('OO')

'A DRAG:' "Who've proved the body was moved?"

"You've proved it - you made that groove."

-OVE (long sound)
'TREASURED MEMORIES:' Once I roved 'round the lake in that beauteous cove.  

There, I dove ... near where the mauve "clove" throve. (Back when I  strove to find the cove's trove.)

-OW and -OUGH (see also -OUD)
'COWED?' He once had a row with a  horn-ed cow.

She proudly said: "I vow thou will bow."

"Right on!" said a sow by a bough.

-OWL and -OUL
'IT'S A HOOT:' What makes the wolves growl, howl, and (at times) even yowl?

Just that old owl that prowls. Could it be his foul scowl?

-OWN (see also -OAN, for long sound)
That clown in his gown - his humor drowns frowns downtown.  

One browse of that blouse roused folks from their drowse.


Imitate a smart fox, when you box that ox.

"That boy's joy - Homer's Troy is his toy - it must cloy and annoy. ...  What's his name?" 

" Tolstoy."

-OZE and -OSE
 'AT A LITERARY READING:' The judge chose the prose. It had that "rose pose."

When I couldn't doze, I was predisposed to close my nose.


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